2016 - Ongoing
Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in Wildlife Restoration Ecology
Assistant Professor
Biology | IK Barber School of Arts & Sciences
The University of British Columbia | Okanagan Campus
Kelowna, BC Canada V1V 1V7
Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellow
Advisory team: J. Fryxell, K Heuer, J Whittington
Department of Integrative Biology
University of Guelph, Guelph, ON
Ph.D. in Zoology
Advisor: J. Goheen
Department of Zoology
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
“A mechanistic study of trophic interactions in an African savanna.”
M.Sc. in Biology
Advisor: L. Fahrig
Geomatics and Landscape Ecology Research Lab
Department of Biology
Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
“The effects of traffic on road aversion in the eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus).”
B.Sc. Honours with Distinction in Geography
Advisor: P. Dearden
Department of Geography
University of Victoria, Victoria, BC
“Bats in buildings: private land stewardship on southern Vancouver Island.”
Diploma (Honours) in Renewable Resource Management
Department of Environmental Science
Lethbridge College, Lethbridge, AB
2017 Biol 306: The Ecology of Animals [Sep - Dec 2017]
2017 Biol 306: The Ecology of Animals [Jan -Apr 2017]
2014 Instructor, Mpala Research Center, Laikipia, Kenya for Department of Zoology &
Physiology, University of Wyoming, WY
- Field Course in Ecology and Conservation of African Savannas (undergraduate course)
2012 Instructor,Mpala Research Center, Laikipia, Kenya for Dept. of Botany, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
- Field Course in Ecology and Conservation of African Savannas (undergraduate course)
2010 Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
- Biol 121 Introduction to Biology
2004-06 Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Biology, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
- Introduction to Biology I & II, 2nd Year Ecology, 3rd Year Conservation Biology.
2017-now - Dr. Laura Coristine, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC
2017-now - Emily Sunter, MSc, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC
2017-now - Danielle Gauthier, MSc, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC
2017-now - Haley Silas [co-supervising with Dr. John Binfet], BSc Hon., University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC
2017-now - Bethany Ardnt [co-supervising with Dr. Jason Pither], BSc Hon., University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC
2017-now - Mac Campbell, BSc Hon., University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC
2017-now - Sarah Falconer, BSc Hon., University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC
2017 - Jasika Khosla, BSc Directed Studies, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC
2014 - Tao Eastham, MSc student, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC
2014 - Tobias Otieno, MSc student, Moi University, Kenya
2012 - Coreen Forbes, Undergraduate student, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
2010 - Thea Spelman, Undergraduate student, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
2009 - Erin Latham, MGIS student, University of Calgary, AB
2005 - Alex Macintosh, Undergraduate student, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
2017-22 -British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund ($181,135)
2017-22 -Canadian Foundation for Innovation John Evans Leadership Fund ($181,135)
2017-22 -NSERC Discovery Grant "Wildlife restoration ecology in human-modified landscapes." ($145,000)
2016-17 -Biodiversity Research Center Catalysis Meeting: Deconflicting landscapes to promote human-carnivore coexistence
2014-16 -Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellowship Research Fund ($30,000)
2012-13 -Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund ($2000)
2011 -NSERC CGS-D Michael Smith Foreign Studies Supplement ($6000)
2011 -NSERC CREATE Training Program in Biodiversity Research ($1000)
2011 -American Society of Mammalogists, Grants-in-Aid Award ($1000)
2003 -Youth Challenge International/ Canadian International Development Agency Community
Outreach Subsidy, Project Vanuatu ($500)
2003 -University of Victoria Alumni Association Travel Grant for Leadership project, Youth
Challenge International, Project Vanuatu ($300)
2015 -The Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists
2015 -TWM Cameron Award, Canadian Society of Zoologists
2015 -Governor General’s Gold Medal Award for Top PhD Dissertation at the University of British Columbia
2015 -Dean of Science Award for Top PhD Dissertation in the Faculty of Science, University of British Columbia
2015 -Milsom Prize for Top PhD Dissertation in the Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia
2015 -Early Career Award, American Society of Mammalogists
2013 -Elmer C. Birney Award, American Society of Mammalogists
2010-11 -Faculty of Graduate Studies Tuition Award, University of British Columbia
2002 -Deans List, University of Victoria
2012-13 -Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Doctoral Scholarship
2010-13 -Four-year Fellowship, University of British Columbia – declined
2010-11 -NSERC Alexander Graham Bell, CGS-D, University of British Columbia
2004-06 -NSERC PGS Master’s, Carleton University
2004-06 -Department of Biology Scholarship, Carleton University
2005 -Ontario Graduate Scholarship – declined
2004 -Dean of Graduate Studies Entrance Scholarship, Carleton University
2001 -Ross Scholarship, University of Victoria
2001 -President’s Scholarship, University of Victoria
2000-02 -Ross Funding, University of Victoria
Ford AT*. 2018 "SIMDeer: the Southern Interior Mule Deer Project" Oral Presentation, April 13th BC Wildlife Federation Annual General Meeting,. Kamloops, BC.
Ford AT*. 2018 "The carnivore carnival: from community ecology to coexistence.” Oral Presentation, March 23rd. Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Institute (NRESI) Colloquium Series. Prince George, BC.
Ford AT*. 2017 “Trophic traps: Inferring species relationships from camera trap imagery.” Oral Presentation, June 24th. American Society of Mammalogists Conference. Moscow, ID.
Colla S*, McCune J, Carlsson A, Davy C, Favaro B, Ford AT, Fraser K, Martins E. 2017 Assessing public commitment to endangered species protection: A Canadian case study. Poster Presentation May 8th. Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution. Victoria, BC.
Jacob A, Moore JW, Fox CH, Sunter E, Ford AT. 2017 Canada's crossroads for sustainable development and the environment.” Oral Presentation May 8th. Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution. Victoria, BC.
Ford AT*. 2017 “Trophic traps: Inferring species relationships from camera trap imagery.” Oral Presentation, May 8th. Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution. Victoria, BC,
Ford AT*. 2017 “Policy Implications of movement ecology” Poster Presentation, March 20th, Gordon Research Conference: Movement Ecology of Animals. Ventura, CA,
Ford AT*. 2017 “The ecological impact of large carnivores: context and mechanisms”. Oral Presentation, January 30. Richard E. Peter Biology Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Keynote speaker.
Ford AT*. 2017 “A new agenda for wildlife research in the Okanagan” Oral presentation. January 21. BC Wildlife Federation, Kelowna Chapter, Kelowna Fish and Game Club, Kelowna, BC. Invited speaker.
Ford AT*. 2016 “The mechanistic pathways of species interactions in an African savanna”.Oral Presentation,October 14. Department of Geography, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC. Invited Speaker.
Gilbert S* and Ford AT*. 2016. "Mule deer research in the Boundary Region of BC" Oral Presentation October 4. Department of Biology, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC. Open house.
Ford AT*. 2016 “The mechanistic pathways of species interactions in an African savanna”.Oral Presentation, September 29th. Environmental Science Seminar Series, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2016 “The world of science publishing: How do researchers and institutions engage with scientific content and scholarly publications?” Panelist, August 4th. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington DC. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2016 “The mechanistic pathways of species interactions in an African savanna”. Plenary Talk May 10th. T.W.M. Cameron Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award Lecture. Canadian Society of Zoologists Annual Meeting. London, ON. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2016 “Mapping the functional connectivity of predation by large carnivores in the Canadian Rocky Mountains.” Oral Presentation, April 5th. Predator Prey Dynamics: From Theory to Management, Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology, Revelstoke, BC.
Ford AT*. 2016 “Trophic cascades in an African savanna” Oral Presentation, January 22nd. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, AB. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2015 “The mechanistic pathways of trophic interactions in human-occupied landscapes” Plenary Talk, December 8th. AAAS/SciLifeLab Award talk and scientific symposium, Uppsala and Stockholm, Sweden. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2015 “Restoration of species interactions in human-occupied landscapes” Oral Presentation, December 1st. Biology Department, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2015. “Connectivity for Carnivores in the Bow Valley” Oral Presentation November 24th. Bow Valley Naturalists Speaker Series. Banff, AB. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2015 “Restoration of species interactions in human-occupied landscapes” Oral Presentation, November 19th. College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2015 “Restoration of species interactions in human-occupied landscapes” Oral Presentation, June 23rdth. Institute of Environmental Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT* 2015 “People homogenize how wolves, not cougars use the landscape” Oral Presentation, June 15th. American Society of Mammalogists Conference, Jacksonville, FL.
Ford AT*. 2015 “Conserving trophic dynamics and animal movement in human-dominated landscapes: Case studies from large carnivores” Oral Presentation, March 16h. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley, CA. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2015 “Trophic cascades in an African savanna: the importance of context and mechanism” Oral Presentation, March 12th. Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis, CA. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2015 “Trophic cascades in an African savanna: two examples of context-dependent interactions.” Oral Presentation, February 24th. Department of Integrative Biology - Seminar Series, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2015 “Conserving trophic dynamics and animal movement in human-dominated landscapes: case studies from large carnivores” Oral Presentation, February 4th. Department of Biology, Ohio University, Athens, OH. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2014 “Landscape and community ecology in an African savanna.” Oral Presentation, November 21st. Carleton University, Ottawa, ON. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2014 “A mechanistic study of trophic interactions in an African savanna.” Oral Presentation, September 15th. Biodiversity Seminar Series, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Ford AT*, Goheen JR, Palmer TM, Woodroffe R, Pringle RM, O’Brien T, Kinnaird M, Augustine D. 2014 “Trophic repatriation of a savanna ecosystem” Oral Presentation, June 6-10. American Society of Mammalogists, Oklahoma City, OK.
Ford AT*, Goheen JR, Otieno TO, Palmer TM, Woodroffe R, Ward DC, Pringle RM. 2014 “Large carnivores make savanna tree communities less thorny.” Poster Presentation, January 5-10. Gordon Research Conferences: Predator-prey interactions. Ventura, CA.
Woodroffe R*, Ford AT, Hedges S. 2013 “Ecological and human impacts of top predator presence and removal” Maintaining top predator populations in the 22nd century. Oral Presentation, August 21. International Association for Ecology (INTECOL), London, UK.
Ford AT*. 2013 “Plant defenses and prey behaviour mediate a trophic cascade in an East African rangeland.” Plenary talk, June 15. American Society of Mammalogists, Philadelphia, PA. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2013 “Plant defenses and prey behaviour mediate a trophic cascade in an East African rangeland.” Oral Presentation, May 13. Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Annual Meeting, Kelowna, BC.
Ford AT*. 2013 “Review of the Three Sisters Mountain Village Environmental Impact Statement”, Oral Presentation, April 2nd. Presented to the Town Council of the Town of Canmore, AB.
Ford AT*. 2012 “Forage and risk drivers of impala habitat selection”, Oral Presentation, October 15. Brown Bag Lecture Series, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.
Ford AT*, Clevenger AP. 2009 “Wildlife crossing structures as prey traps? Testing evidence for inter-specific associations.” Poster presentation, September 13-17. International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET), Duluth, MN.
Ford AT*. 2008 “Wildlife habitat linkage assessments: methodological considerations” Oral Presentation, Invited Speaker. April 22-24. Ontario Road Ecology Stewardship Symposium, Toronto Zoo, Toronto, ON.
Ford AT, Wellicome T*, Poulin T, Todd D. 2007 “Nesting success in burrowing owls” Poster Presentation, March 3-7. Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference. Regina, SK.
Smandych L*, Snaith T, Ford AT, Bray S, Olson C, Unger H. 2004 “Monitoring the Impact of Recreational Activities for Long-term Management in the Bighorn Wildland, Alberta.” Poster Presentation, September 23-27, Interdisciplinary Research and Management in Mountain Areas Conference, Banff, AB.
Ford AT*. 2002 “Bats in buildings: private land stewardship on southern Vancouver Island” Oral Presentation, March 17th, The Canadian Association of Geographers Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Ford AT*. 2001 “Bats in buildings: private land stewardship on southern Vancouver Island” Poster Presentation, October 25-27, North American Symposium on Bat Research, Victoria, BC.
2016 - Ongoing
Canada Research Chair (Tier II) in Wildlife Restoration Ecology
Assistant Professor
Biology | IK Barber School of Arts & Sciences
The University of British Columbia | Okanagan Campus
Kelowna, BC Canada V1V 1V7
Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellow
Advisory team: J. Fryxell, K Heuer, J Whittington
Department of Integrative Biology
University of Guelph, Guelph, ON
Ph.D. in Zoology
Advisor: J. Goheen
Department of Zoology
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
“A mechanistic study of trophic interactions in an African savanna.”
M.Sc. in Biology
Advisor: L. Fahrig
Geomatics and Landscape Ecology Research Lab
Department of Biology
Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
“The effects of traffic on road aversion in the eastern chipmunk (Tamias striatus).”
B.Sc. Honours with Distinction in Geography
Advisor: P. Dearden
Department of Geography
University of Victoria, Victoria, BC
“Bats in buildings: private land stewardship on southern Vancouver Island.”
Diploma (Honours) in Renewable Resource Management
Department of Environmental Science
Lethbridge College, Lethbridge, AB
2017 Biol 306: The Ecology of Animals [Sep - Dec 2017]
2017 Biol 306: The Ecology of Animals [Jan -Apr 2017]
2014 Instructor, Mpala Research Center, Laikipia, Kenya for Department of Zoology &
Physiology, University of Wyoming, WY
- Field Course in Ecology and Conservation of African Savannas (undergraduate course)
2012 Instructor,Mpala Research Center, Laikipia, Kenya for Dept. of Botany, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
- Field Course in Ecology and Conservation of African Savannas (undergraduate course)
2010 Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Zoology, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
- Biol 121 Introduction to Biology
2004-06 Teaching Assistant, Dept. of Biology, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
- Introduction to Biology I & II, 2nd Year Ecology, 3rd Year Conservation Biology.
2017-now - Dr. Laura Coristine, Postdoctoral Fellow, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC
2017-now - Emily Sunter, MSc, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC
2017-now - Danielle Gauthier, MSc, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC
2017-now - Haley Silas [co-supervising with Dr. John Binfet], BSc Hon., University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC
2017-now - Bethany Ardnt [co-supervising with Dr. Jason Pither], BSc Hon., University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC
2017-now - Mac Campbell, BSc Hon., University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC
2017-now - Sarah Falconer, BSc Hon., University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC
2017 - Jasika Khosla, BSc Directed Studies, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC
2014 - Tao Eastham, MSc student, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC
2014 - Tobias Otieno, MSc student, Moi University, Kenya
2012 - Coreen Forbes, Undergraduate student, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
2010 - Thea Spelman, Undergraduate student, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC
2009 - Erin Latham, MGIS student, University of Calgary, AB
2005 - Alex Macintosh, Undergraduate student, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON
2017-22 -British Columbia Knowledge Development Fund ($181,135)
2017-22 -Canadian Foundation for Innovation John Evans Leadership Fund ($181,135)
2017-22 -NSERC Discovery Grant "Wildlife restoration ecology in human-modified landscapes." ($145,000)
2016-17 -Biodiversity Research Center Catalysis Meeting: Deconflicting landscapes to promote human-carnivore coexistence
2014-16 -Liber Ero Postdoctoral Fellowship Research Fund ($30,000)
2012-13 -Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Fund ($2000)
2011 -NSERC CGS-D Michael Smith Foreign Studies Supplement ($6000)
2011 -NSERC CREATE Training Program in Biodiversity Research ($1000)
2011 -American Society of Mammalogists, Grants-in-Aid Award ($1000)
2003 -Youth Challenge International/ Canadian International Development Agency Community
Outreach Subsidy, Project Vanuatu ($500)
2003 -University of Victoria Alumni Association Travel Grant for Leadership project, Youth
Challenge International, Project Vanuatu ($300)
2015 -The Science & SciLifeLab Prize for Young Scientists
2015 -TWM Cameron Award, Canadian Society of Zoologists
2015 -Governor General’s Gold Medal Award for Top PhD Dissertation at the University of British Columbia
2015 -Dean of Science Award for Top PhD Dissertation in the Faculty of Science, University of British Columbia
2015 -Milsom Prize for Top PhD Dissertation in the Department of Zoology, University of British Columbia
2015 -Early Career Award, American Society of Mammalogists
2013 -Elmer C. Birney Award, American Society of Mammalogists
2010-11 -Faculty of Graduate Studies Tuition Award, University of British Columbia
2002 -Deans List, University of Victoria
2012-13 -Izaak Walton Killam Memorial Doctoral Scholarship
2010-13 -Four-year Fellowship, University of British Columbia – declined
2010-11 -NSERC Alexander Graham Bell, CGS-D, University of British Columbia
2004-06 -NSERC PGS Master’s, Carleton University
2004-06 -Department of Biology Scholarship, Carleton University
2005 -Ontario Graduate Scholarship – declined
2004 -Dean of Graduate Studies Entrance Scholarship, Carleton University
2001 -Ross Scholarship, University of Victoria
2001 -President’s Scholarship, University of Victoria
2000-02 -Ross Funding, University of Victoria
Ford AT*. 2018 "SIMDeer: the Southern Interior Mule Deer Project" Oral Presentation, April 13th BC Wildlife Federation Annual General Meeting,. Kamloops, BC.
Ford AT*. 2018 "The carnivore carnival: from community ecology to coexistence.” Oral Presentation, March 23rd. Natural Resources and Environmental Studies Institute (NRESI) Colloquium Series. Prince George, BC.
Ford AT*. 2017 “Trophic traps: Inferring species relationships from camera trap imagery.” Oral Presentation, June 24th. American Society of Mammalogists Conference. Moscow, ID.
Colla S*, McCune J, Carlsson A, Davy C, Favaro B, Ford AT, Fraser K, Martins E. 2017 Assessing public commitment to endangered species protection: A Canadian case study. Poster Presentation May 8th. Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution. Victoria, BC.
Jacob A, Moore JW, Fox CH, Sunter E, Ford AT. 2017 Canada's crossroads for sustainable development and the environment.” Oral Presentation May 8th. Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution. Victoria, BC.
Ford AT*. 2017 “Trophic traps: Inferring species relationships from camera trap imagery.” Oral Presentation, May 8th. Canadian Society of Ecology and Evolution. Victoria, BC,
Ford AT*. 2017 “Policy Implications of movement ecology” Poster Presentation, March 20th, Gordon Research Conference: Movement Ecology of Animals. Ventura, CA,
Ford AT*. 2017 “The ecological impact of large carnivores: context and mechanisms”. Oral Presentation, January 30. Richard E. Peter Biology Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB. Keynote speaker.
Ford AT*. 2017 “A new agenda for wildlife research in the Okanagan” Oral presentation. January 21. BC Wildlife Federation, Kelowna Chapter, Kelowna Fish and Game Club, Kelowna, BC. Invited speaker.
Ford AT*. 2016 “The mechanistic pathways of species interactions in an African savanna”.Oral Presentation,October 14. Department of Geography, University of Victoria, Victoria, BC. Invited Speaker.
Gilbert S* and Ford AT*. 2016. "Mule deer research in the Boundary Region of BC" Oral Presentation October 4. Department of Biology, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC. Open house.
Ford AT*. 2016 “The mechanistic pathways of species interactions in an African savanna”.Oral Presentation, September 29th. Environmental Science Seminar Series, Thompson Rivers University, Kamloops, BC. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2016 “The world of science publishing: How do researchers and institutions engage with scientific content and scholarly publications?” Panelist, August 4th. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington DC. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2016 “The mechanistic pathways of species interactions in an African savanna”. Plenary Talk May 10th. T.W.M. Cameron Outstanding Ph.D. Thesis Award Lecture. Canadian Society of Zoologists Annual Meeting. London, ON. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2016 “Mapping the functional connectivity of predation by large carnivores in the Canadian Rocky Mountains.” Oral Presentation, April 5th. Predator Prey Dynamics: From Theory to Management, Columbia Mountains Institute of Applied Ecology, Revelstoke, BC.
Ford AT*. 2016 “Trophic cascades in an African savanna” Oral Presentation, January 22nd. Department of Biological Sciences, University of Calgary, AB. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2015 “The mechanistic pathways of trophic interactions in human-occupied landscapes” Plenary Talk, December 8th. AAAS/SciLifeLab Award talk and scientific symposium, Uppsala and Stockholm, Sweden. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2015 “Restoration of species interactions in human-occupied landscapes” Oral Presentation, December 1st. Biology Department, University of British Columbia, Kelowna, BC. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2015. “Connectivity for Carnivores in the Bow Valley” Oral Presentation November 24th. Bow Valley Naturalists Speaker Series. Banff, AB. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2015 “Restoration of species interactions in human-occupied landscapes” Oral Presentation, November 19th. College of Natural Resources, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2015 “Restoration of species interactions in human-occupied landscapes” Oral Presentation, June 23rdth. Institute of Environmental Science, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT* 2015 “People homogenize how wolves, not cougars use the landscape” Oral Presentation, June 15th. American Society of Mammalogists Conference, Jacksonville, FL.
Ford AT*. 2015 “Conserving trophic dynamics and animal movement in human-dominated landscapes: Case studies from large carnivores” Oral Presentation, March 16h. Department of Environmental Science, Policy and Management, University of California, Berkeley, CA. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2015 “Trophic cascades in an African savanna: the importance of context and mechanism” Oral Presentation, March 12th. Department of Wildlife, Fish, and Conservation Biology, University of California, Davis, CA. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2015 “Trophic cascades in an African savanna: two examples of context-dependent interactions.” Oral Presentation, February 24th. Department of Integrative Biology - Seminar Series, University of Guelph, Guelph, ON. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2015 “Conserving trophic dynamics and animal movement in human-dominated landscapes: case studies from large carnivores” Oral Presentation, February 4th. Department of Biology, Ohio University, Athens, OH. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2014 “Landscape and community ecology in an African savanna.” Oral Presentation, November 21st. Carleton University, Ottawa, ON. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2014 “A mechanistic study of trophic interactions in an African savanna.” Oral Presentation, September 15th. Biodiversity Seminar Series, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.
Ford AT*, Goheen JR, Palmer TM, Woodroffe R, Pringle RM, O’Brien T, Kinnaird M, Augustine D. 2014 “Trophic repatriation of a savanna ecosystem” Oral Presentation, June 6-10. American Society of Mammalogists, Oklahoma City, OK.
Ford AT*, Goheen JR, Otieno TO, Palmer TM, Woodroffe R, Ward DC, Pringle RM. 2014 “Large carnivores make savanna tree communities less thorny.” Poster Presentation, January 5-10. Gordon Research Conferences: Predator-prey interactions. Ventura, CA.
Woodroffe R*, Ford AT, Hedges S. 2013 “Ecological and human impacts of top predator presence and removal” Maintaining top predator populations in the 22nd century. Oral Presentation, August 21. International Association for Ecology (INTECOL), London, UK.
Ford AT*. 2013 “Plant defenses and prey behaviour mediate a trophic cascade in an East African rangeland.” Plenary talk, June 15. American Society of Mammalogists, Philadelphia, PA. Invited Speaker.
Ford AT*. 2013 “Plant defenses and prey behaviour mediate a trophic cascade in an East African rangeland.” Oral Presentation, May 13. Canadian Society for Ecology and Evolution Annual Meeting, Kelowna, BC.
Ford AT*. 2013 “Review of the Three Sisters Mountain Village Environmental Impact Statement”, Oral Presentation, April 2nd. Presented to the Town Council of the Town of Canmore, AB.
Ford AT*. 2012 “Forage and risk drivers of impala habitat selection”, Oral Presentation, October 15. Brown Bag Lecture Series, University of Wyoming, Laramie, WY.
Ford AT*, Clevenger AP. 2009 “Wildlife crossing structures as prey traps? Testing evidence for inter-specific associations.” Poster presentation, September 13-17. International Conference on Ecology and Transportation (ICOET), Duluth, MN.
Ford AT*. 2008 “Wildlife habitat linkage assessments: methodological considerations” Oral Presentation, Invited Speaker. April 22-24. Ontario Road Ecology Stewardship Symposium, Toronto Zoo, Toronto, ON.
Ford AT, Wellicome T*, Poulin T, Todd D. 2007 “Nesting success in burrowing owls” Poster Presentation, March 3-7. Prairie Conservation and Endangered Species Conference. Regina, SK.
Smandych L*, Snaith T, Ford AT, Bray S, Olson C, Unger H. 2004 “Monitoring the Impact of Recreational Activities for Long-term Management in the Bighorn Wildland, Alberta.” Poster Presentation, September 23-27, Interdisciplinary Research and Management in Mountain Areas Conference, Banff, AB.
Ford AT*. 2002 “Bats in buildings: private land stewardship on southern Vancouver Island” Oral Presentation, March 17th, The Canadian Association of Geographers Conference, Vancouver, BC.
Ford AT*. 2001 “Bats in buildings: private land stewardship on southern Vancouver Island” Poster Presentation, October 25-27, North American Symposium on Bat Research, Victoria, BC.